Your First Visit
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  • Your First Visit

Appointment Only Policy (All hospitals)

We have an appointment only policy to eliminate waiting time and reduce stress to our unwell patients.
Please call the hospital you wish to visit to make an appointment.

Tokyo Medical Center (24/365)
  10:00~12:00 14:30~18:30
  Emergency and critical care patients are acceptable at the Tokyo Medical Center for a 24 hour.
  Please call the hospital in advance for immediate intervention.
  (an additional charge after and early office hour will be added)


Yoyogi Hospital
  Tue,Wed,Thu 9:00~12:30 14:30~18:00
   Saturday   10:00~12:30 14:30~19:00
* Only Grooming
  Every other Mon, Fri 9:00~18:00
     Sunday     10:00~19:00


Checking In

If you are a first-time visitor, please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time for registration. Please bring your ID, and if you have pet health insurance, your insurance card too.

Preparing Your Medical Record

Dates of latest prevention care (combination vaccine, rabies vaccine, heartworm prevention, etc) will help us construct an accurate record for your pet. If you have any documents or certificates, please bring them along with you.


For further information about consultation, please click here.


We prepare estimates for you since the cost of care may become a considerable amount depending upon your pet’s condition and tests or treatment needed. We ask for deposits to be placed half or full of the estimated sum, which will be adjusted and settled at the time of discharge.

Testing, Treatment, or Hospitalization

For long term hospitalizations, please separately settle the treatment costs that will be calculated every several days. Please note that hospitalization and treatment fees are calculated by the number of days, regardless of the time of admission and discharge. We accept credit cards that are listed below. Credit card logo

Hospital Discharge


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